A very dear friend of mine, Monika, just wrote a book. She is such an inspiration for me. A woman with drive and passion and kindness. She quit her job just…

A very dear friend of mine, Monika, just wrote a book. She is such an inspiration for me. A woman with drive and passion and kindness. She quit her job just…
New year, old series. I finally can presume my series of (home) office lunch recipes. The daily routine has me back and with it comes the time and freedom to be…
I was looking forward to make something with chocolate for far too long. I had to eat all the left-over cookies until I allowed myself to bake something new. I’m that…
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to create more stuff. Which means also to get more organized. I tried to keep a journal with all my ideas and inspirations over…
Now that I went through the archives and looked at all the good looking recipes I made this year, I had to break out the left-over Christmas cookies and indulge. Culinary…
One of the best things about New Year’s Eve is the opportunity to look back and reflect on the year that just passed. It’s been quite a turbulent one for me with lots…
Tomorrow is finally Christmas Eve. I guess I never outgrew the age where I looked forward to Christmas. Just the motivation changed. I’m not so counting on the presents (Don’t get…
My Christmas decoration this year is like my festive mood – minimal as almost not there at all. It’s really weird this year with this almost Spring-like weather and my inability…
Something terrible happened: I didn’t post my office lunch blogpost yesterday. Well that’s not terrible, I guess you didn’t even notice but what is horrible: I had everything ready – blogpost…
There are not many recipes that resonate with me and my childhood as much as this chocolate walnut cookies recipe from my mum. I haven’t eaten or even seen this on any…
I’ve been told that my lack of Christmas mood comes from listening to not enough Christmas music and not making enough cookies. I’ve taken care of the latter but I’m still…
A few month ago my mum gave me some (store bought) cookies that are supposed to enhance the mood. They were called Good-nerve-cookies. I’m not sure if they did what they’re…