Those days between Christmas and New Year are always kinda weird. Don’t you think? It’s no holiday but most people don’t work. There’s sales everywhere and somehow it’s not 2016 anymore…

Those days between Christmas and New Year are always kinda weird. Don’t you think? It’s no holiday but most people don’t work. There’s sales everywhere and somehow it’s not 2016 anymore…
If you watched my Instagram stories the week before this, you’ve seen that I had real troubles making this color etched storage jars work. Why? Because I had this idea that…
I’m totally into rings lately. Simple, stylish ones. What about you? More a necklace-kind-of-girl or do you love rings just as much as me (or even a little more?). I was…
I told you in my “Goodbye 2014” blogpost that you would see much more DIY posts with concrete in this blog. You probably didn’t expect me to be so quick on…
From the amount of blog posts (or rather the lack of them) you might have guessed that I had a lot to do. There was so much happening in the last…
As I mentioned already: about a month ago I started a new job. It’s certainly more demanding than my former profession and I’m constantly learning (which is also quite demanding and…
Sorry for being so quiet over the last few days. I was in Munich – work-related. However while I was gone, buzzfeed published a DIY project I did for them. It…
Some of you might have seen on Facebook already that I attended the Fashioncamp here in Vienna. It’s not a fashion camp per se but a conference for lifestyle bloggers. There…
I love art. Easy and fun art. And you know that I want to make my living room more summer-like. I have been quite good so far. Love the cushion, the…
I once read on Apartment Therapy that every home needs a landing strip. What a landing strip is you ask? Well basically it’s just a place where you put your keys,…
On Facebook I already told you to collect newspapers for this weeks DIY. Did you do it? I never been much of a newspaper reader. It’s just so unhandy big and…