It’s already a tradition on this blog to look back over the last year’s numbers and show you the posts with the highest traffic. I know it’s not really the most popular posts of the last year but rather the posts that have been up and running for longer and got therefore a lot of re-posts, mentions and love.

So if your favorite didn’t make the cut, please let me know in the comment what it is. I’m really curious to find out!

Until then I have to stare at the numbers and try to interpret those. If you like that more and want to be quiet.

So here are the Top 10 DIYs of 2016 that for one reason or the other got the most traffic last year.

Top 10 DIYs of 2016 | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

1 | The concrete stand for cupcakes and/or jewelry

2 | This DIY string art that shows you exactly how to make it with no previous knowledge

3 | This pasta storage that I still use in my household (for more than 3 years now!)

4 | A storage tin I made out of an upcycled coffee tin

5 | These geometrical planters that got a few brothers and sisters over the years

6 | This copper and concrete lamp for which I made a video tutorial as well

7 | A ikea hack storage that’s perfect for a craft’s or kid’s room

8 | This huge mason jar lantern that’s perfect for dark days (summer or winter!)

9 | This blouse that I refashioned

10 | My first Advent calendar that I refill every year

Besides those some of the most recent ones are my favorite. But let’s look ahead now. What would you like to see more in the next weeks/month? What are your favorite kind of crafts? What would you like to see more?

Please let me know in the comments!

Now. Carry on!