Are you already in a christmas mood? I gave up. The seasons have been passing too fast and I’ve been so busy. So I’m not concentrating on that one day but…

Are you already in a christmas mood? I gave up. The seasons have been passing too fast and I’ve been so busy. So I’m not concentrating on that one day but…
As you might have noticed: I try to keep my Christmas decoration pretty minimal this year. With paper stars and concrete hangers on tiny trees. One of the few things I…
This year is a very special Christmas for me: first my boyfriend and I will spend the whole festivities together for the first time. We always used to be apart at…
*Sponsored Post One of my favorite traditions around Christmas is the advent calendar. I’m not good with big presents but little ones are a whole different story. Also I love to…
The first day I came back from my holidays, it snowed here. It was quite the climate shock coming from 28 ° C to snow but since then I adjusted to…
My boyfriend and I love to invite people. We cook, we eat, we talk and we drink. Unfortunately since we moved in together (now for 6 years) we had only a…
The Adventskranz (translation: Advent wreath) is an Austrian and German (and maybe Swiss) tradition to celebrate the upcoming Christmas. Normally it’s a wreath made out of pine branches with always 4 candles.…
Can you believe that Christmas is in less than 2 months?! It’s stressing me out already. But since we decided in my family that we draw the person that one has…
Sometimes I have the feeling I’m talking to myself. With this blog I mean. I ask questions and pour my heart out and – more important – tell you jokes and nothing!…
With fall comes my craving for staying inside, hot chocolate and wool socks. Colder and shorter days are perfect for these things. However the mood needs to be set right –…
I saw this picture by artist Veronika Richterova and I knew I wanted to make cacti just like that. Why didn’t I think of that?! That’s always the questions when I see…
When was the last time you failed at something? I just failed at the DIY post I shared this week. If you watch my Instagram Stories the week before you’ve seen…
If you watched my Instagram stories the week before this, you’ve seen that I had real troubles making this color etched storage jars work. Why? Because I had this idea that…
If you follow me on Instagram (and watch my stories from time to time), you know that I had something completely different planned to make this week. Well, not only planned…