Can you believe that Christmas is in less than 2 months?! It’s stressing me out already. But since we decided in my family that we draw the person that one has to gift, it’s down from 7 presents for my family to 1 present. That’s a relief but there are just to many people around me that I love to give presents to but have no idea what they like!

It’s always so tricky and in the end I make something. Because if you make something and put hard work into it, it’s easier valued and much more personal. Don’t you think?


So when I thought what’s a good present that everybody likes I thought of my concrete letters I made a few years ago. This are the perfect idea for those hard-to-gift. To make it easier for you (because following pictures is harder than to actually see the action) I thought I create a Skillshare Class and walk you through it. Step by step. For less than € 5,- per letter. So personal.


You can subscribe to Skillshare through this link. There are many more tutorials to get crafty. All you need is 20 mins time and the eagerness to learn. Go check it out!


I’m still so smitten with the concrete letters I made years ago. They last very long and I never had problems hanging them (they even survived the move!).


What do you think of these as presents? Did you already think about what to gift this Christmas?

Now. Carry on!