I haven’t created in a long time. I blame it on the time. So little time. So much to do. But really, I miss it. So I was so happy, when…

I haven’t created in a long time. I blame it on the time. So little time. So much to do. But really, I miss it. So I was so happy, when…
One of your favorite DIY tutorial (if I can trust the numbers) is the concrete and copper lamp from a few years ago. I got a lot of questions regarding this.…
This year is a very special Christmas for me: first my boyfriend and I will spend the whole festivities together for the first time. We always used to be apart at…
Can you believe that Christmas is in less than 2 months?! It’s stressing me out already. But since we decided in my family that we draw the person that one has…
I’m totally into rings lately. Simple, stylish ones. What about you? More a necklace-kind-of-girl or do you love rings just as much as me (or even a little more?). I was…
Have you subscribed to my newsletter yet? If so, you’ve seen a sneak-peak of this DIY project already. I made them last week and I have been so excited that I…
Fall hit Vienna with full speed. After an epic summer it cooled down really quickly and the air smells like winter already. Not that I have to get used to that at…
I’ve been asked several times if I don’t want to make a workshop, I hesitated to far because of the organizational hazards and lack of room. This time it’s different: I teamed…
Although the weather suggests it’s spring, the plants can’t be fooled. It’s warm and sunny but the full bloom of trees and bushes is still something that we need to wait…
Following last weeks DIY project, I wanted to share another concrete project with you. This little planters I made are the result of my ongoing love for pots and planters (which…
I told you in my “Goodbye 2014” blogpost that you would see much more DIY posts with concrete in this blog. You probably didn’t expect me to be so quick on…
It’s funny how the time flies and at the same time it’s really slow. I’m looking forward to the weekend all week and suddenly it’s Friday and I’m like: oh, nice.…
I do like lamps. Like obsessively like them. You can never have enough of them. And it’s quite easy to make lamps yourself. I think I showed that already. However once…