I’m a huge fan of strawberries. Maybe because they are only available for a limited amount of time and you know what they say: absence makes the heart grow fonder. Is it like that? Not solely. Their taste is just great too.

12 fantastic strawberry recipes | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

They are best just eaten plain like this. But if you have some left, this recipe collection is for you.

strawberry chutney recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

1 | Strawberry chutney

Let’s start with the one that I just made recently – with 1.5 kg of strawberries. Yes, I am scared that I run out of strawberry chutney sandwich soon after strawberry season. Make your own badge and have some great presents too!


2 | Strawberry chutney sandwich

If you followed my advice from the lines above, this strawberry chutney sandwich is your next recipe you should follow. It makes such an easy lunch or simple and healthy dinner that makes you wonder why you didn’t start making strawberry chutney earlier in your life.

Fresh lemon strawberry juice | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

3 | Fresh strawberry juice

The easiest and quickest way to use a lot of strawberries (that are a little overripe) is this fresh strawberry juice. Done in 10 mins and a real crowdpleaser.

Strawberry campari gin cocktail recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

4 | Strawberry campari gin cocktail

If you like an adult version and something to celebrate the warm summer nights, I recommend this strawberry campari gin cocktail. So fresh and not too sweet – perfect for those warm nights on the balcony or in the garden.


5 | Strawberry elderflower bubbles

If Gin is not your thing and you’re looking for something more classy, then try this strawberry elderflower sparkling wine. It’s so good and perfect for a girl’s night.


6 | Strawberry infused vinegar

On a totally different note: did you ever try strawberry vinegar? It gives your summer salad just that little bit extra taste.

Strawberry filled choux pastry | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

7 | Strawberry choux pastry

Now that I got you covered on the healthy side, let’s dive into sweets and indulge in this strawberry cream filled choux pastry. Hands down my favorite!


8 | Strawberry swiss roll

I just made this strawberry swiss roll with cacao in the batter for my little brother who’s birthday it was 2 days ago. It was a real hit – although I didn’t make these little hearts. That would have been creepy for my little brother…


9 | Strawberry cream cake

This strawberry cream cake is from my dad, I have to admit. Yes, my dad is a passionate (amateur) baker and he made this cake every week in the last month. That’s not even exaggerated!


10 | Strawberry semolina pudding

For this dish the strawberry is the co-actor but plays an important role: semolina pudding with a cold strawberry compote. So good! I might just need to make this this weekend.

Strawberry banana breakfast ice cream | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

11 | Strawberry ice cream

This is actually so healthy that you can eat it for breakfast. I’m not even kidding. Make this strawberry ice cream today and impress everybody around you with your laid back attitude to breakfast.


12 | Strawberry cress sandwich

Now let’s finish off with the easiest and healthy recipe: strawberry cress sandwich – so easy and good it can be served any time of the day. As breakfast, lunch, dinner or even snack. So what are you waiting for?


What’s your favorite strawberry recipe? Anything you’d like to share?

Now. Carry on!