Around Vienna where I live there’s a quite large forest and if you wander those in April/May you smell garlic everywhere. I like to collect the wild garlic  or bear leek – to make pesto. However you have to be very careful not to select lillies of the valley instead.

The taste of the wild garlic pesto always remembers me of Spring. When I eat it just with bread, I know Summer is close.

Homemade wild garlic pesto recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...


For wild garlic pesto you need:

– 120 g wild garlic
– 60 g parmesan cheese (grated
– 40 g pine nuts
– 5 Tbsp olive oil
– salt, pepper

A few years back I made quite a lot of wild garlic pesto (It lasts very long if you top it with olive oil). However after a week it started to become bitter. I did some research online and found out that you have to blanch the leaves in order to get rid of the bitterness. So this time I tried that and it worked perfectly. However it doesn’t taste so garlicy anymore as well – what’s a good thing if you think about leaving the house after you ate this.

I poured cooking hot water of the wild garlic and sieved it 10 seconds later. Put the leaves in a food processor, add the pine nuts and parmesan cheese until it becomes a thick paste. Season with salt and pepper and combine with the olive oil. That’s all there is. Now enjoy!



I like to eat it with just some bread or you can add it to salads, pasta or soups.

Homemade wild garlic pesto recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Now. Carry on!