If you read this blog for over a year, you probably know what day it is: it’s the best day of the year. At least for me. It’s my birthday. I…

If you read this blog for over a year, you probably know what day it is: it’s the best day of the year. At least for me. It’s my birthday. I…
I have been very lazy with my series “on display”. One of my New Year’s resolution was however to post more regularly. So here comes the string shelf I decorated in…
I already told you that I made it into the magazine Crafts Beautiful in September and guess what?! I’m in another magazine. I am not kidding. I wouldn’t believe myself if…
September was a great month for me. I’ve just realized that. A little late. I know. You probably wonder why I have this realization 4 month later… Well. I’ve been featured…
It seems like Christmas is the peak of decorating tradition of all year. If you think about you have to admit that there’s never more decoration than for Christmas – not…
The new year is always a time to look back what I’m thankful for. Resolutions always focus on what could be done better, faster, easier or just simply more that sometimes…
I can’t believe how many projects I made this year. If you consider that my blog is hardly a year old and I’m working full time (and try to keep a…
Christmas is almost over. Can you believe it? You get ready for so long and puff! It’s over. Totally worth it but still. Now come the few days of eating and…
It’s the first day of my Christmas holidays already. For about a week it’s all about presents, food and family. First up is the family of my boyfriend. We drove here…
Did I tell you that I have all my Christmas presents already? I think I did. I’d like to say it a third time: I have all the presents for my…
There I did it. I annoyed myself. There. Do you see it? In the headline. I actually hate when people write “food lover”. It seems like you’re limiting to a special…
Since starting this blog I have friends that call me “fashion aunt” (yes, I mean you Betty!) which is a literal translation for a German term that is not that nice.…
It’s always tricky to get presents for some people. One of my sister said that she doesn’t understand how gifting her could be difficult (it is) because she basically likes everything…
Here comes the third and last part of my series about me. If you’re interested here is part I and part II. I’m not going to do this again any time…