I’m back home. Yeah, back at my parents house. Forth and back. It’s my sisters 30th birthday (no, not this sister nor that one – I have more than 2.). (A…

I hate that the blogosphere and magazines talk about autumn. It’ not here yet! Don’t start me thinking about it! I want to enjoy summer as long as I can. This…
You probably wonder what the title of this post means. It’s a play on words and once you’ve looked over the images and text you’ll see how unbelievable appropriate and considerate…
It’s still very hot in Vienna. However I decided not to get dictated by the weather and make some cupcakes with cream anyway…. and eat them really fast, so they…
I’m going home for a 5-day-vacation. And with home I mean my parent’s house. I haven’t been there for ages (read: Easter). Yes, really. That’s a very long time because, you…
Last weekend was quite busy. Besides going to the Holi festival on Saturday, I explored Austrians countryside on Sunday. It was a very culanary day. It was actually less exploring the…
This may not come as a surprise but I love summer, the long days, the warm weather (not too hot though, my comfort zone is somewhere between 24° and 28° C)…
Even after the cake roll I had so many strawberries left that I had to create more food. Yes, I know. I’m the poorest. I feel your pity. Stuff that I…
After I saw the fantastic rolling cakes with hearts over at Dulce Delight I wanted to make it. Of course I didn’t watch the video. That’s not how I work. That…
My sister was home last weekend and she brought with her this recipe for Strawberry cake. I could bath in strawberries if it weren’t such a waste. Fresh strawberries out of…
I don’t drink enough. That’s a sentence that my boyfriends hears a lot lately. Evertime at night. In bed. When my thoughts start to wander and it’s too late to do…
We had horrible weather the last 2 weeks. Good thing I was on holiday (Did I mention that before? Not sure…). I’m still busy sorting the images but I’ll make sure…
Lately I have the feeling that I do more guest posts than posts on this blog. It’s weird but nice to have so many people interested in what I do. It…