If you follow me on Instagram, you probably noticed that I’m a huge fan of a drink called Makava. I could drink it all day every day. Before you get the…

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably noticed that I’m a huge fan of a drink called Makava. I could drink it all day every day. Before you get the…
Thank god it’s friday. Although yesterday was a public holiday in Austria (which is almost like a weekend during the week), I’m ready for some days off. Maybe it’s because yesterday…
I’m totally into drinks lately. Drinks and taking pictures of drinks. Which is good considering that I have a blog to run. What I’m not into lately is writing blog posts…
I don’t know if it’s the warming temperatures or just me but I’m totally into gin again. The ginger syrup I made last week inspired me to a cocktail. Yes, I…
Today is the first day of this week that it was really warm. Unfortunately my job asked me to stay inside for most of the day but the days are long…
I miss the cold. Not that I care too much for the cold but I care for the snow, the walks in icy forests and the urge for warm drinks –…
Although it was beyond great that I had 26° C over the last two weeks, the drop of 20° C is something that my body struggles with. In order to keep…
If you follow this blog for quite some time now, you are probably surprised that there is no blog post about a DIY project up tonight. Well I mixed it up…
It’s the time for changes. Maybe that’s the reason why I cut my hair? Don’t know. I always have my hair short but this summer I had it at about shoulder…
I’m going home for a 5-day-vacation. And with home I mean my parent’s house. I haven’t been there for ages (read: Easter). Yes, really. That’s a very long time because, you…
I don’t drink enough. That’s a sentence that my boyfriends hears a lot lately. Evertime at night. In bed. When my thoughts start to wander and it’s too late to do…