I can’t make this magical 10 minutes one pot pasta all the time but I can make another pumpkin recipe. Especially when it involves this pumpkin chutney. Even if you made…

I can’t make this magical 10 minutes one pot pasta all the time but I can make another pumpkin recipe. Especially when it involves this pumpkin chutney. Even if you made…
Looking through the images of food I shared here lately, there’s one common theme. And with theme I mean color. And with color I mean only orange. Even my magical one…
Remember when I told you that I made strawberry chutney which became my favorite preserving recipe ever?! The one that I thought is the most disgusting and disappointing thing that I ever…
The story how I made strawberry chutney is quite funny. Not actually the story about making it but what happened afterwards. It all started a year ago when my boyfriend and…
Autumn is the month for preparation, preserving and organization. I grew up with a big garden and therefore I learned that you need to get prepared for the winter months. Not…