I have a strong affinity to Switzerland. Not only because I’m the biggest fan of Ovomaltine – and Swiss chocolate. I also grew up close to the border to Switzerland. Now that I…

I have a strong affinity to Switzerland. Not only because I’m the biggest fan of Ovomaltine – and Swiss chocolate. I also grew up close to the border to Switzerland. Now that I…
You probably wonder why I post something frozen while it’s actually cold outside. I always preach not to get ruled by the weather but this actually really makes total sense on…
On Wednesday I had a dear friend over that I haven’t seen for months! This gave me the opportunity to make something very special for dessert (my boyfriend made the main…
Valentine’s Day is approaching fast. Did you know it’s a Friday? Next Friday. This means in a week! No? Don’t worry I had to look it up myself. However Friday is…
If you think these cupcakes are to difficult (they are not) or time-consuming (they aren’t either) or you’re just looking for the perfect Valentine’s dessert, this post is for you. (Don’t…
I haven’t made cupcakes in a while. There was this time when I though about making the most rich and fancy cupcake and tried numerous recipes (like the caramel banana cupcakes).…
I changed my job this week. Which is crazy considering that I work now for 2 weeks everyday (even the weekend!) and went one day into one company and the other…
When I go home over Christmas there are a few things that I ask my parents to cook for me. Isn’t it the best to come home and have somebody cook…
The new year is always a time to look back what I’m thankful for. Resolutions always focus on what could be done better, faster, easier or just simply more that sometimes…
I hope you had a good start into the new year. I can feel it will be a good one. I think it is a bit too much how many people…
I miss the cold. Not that I care too much for the cold but I care for the snow, the walks in icy forests and the urge for warm drinks –…
I’m in a total cookie baking craze right now. Since I do have all the Christmas presents since Saturday (yeah for me! 10 days before Christmas?! That never happened before!) and…
There I did it. I annoyed myself. There. Do you see it? In the headline. I actually hate when people write “food lover”. It seems like you’re limiting to a special…
I’m a huge fan of homemade cookies. Especially those that my mother makes. However since I left home I try to experiment with new recipes because I need to make my…