I know I haven’t been very consistent with my home office lunch series in the past week but I try to be better. Also because I eat much healthier and more diverse when I have to come up with a new recipe.


This time it’s an easy salad with one of my favorite winter vegetables: beetroot.


All you need is:
– 2 handful lamb’s lettuce
– a small beetroot (already cooked)
– half a smoked trout
– horse radish
– ground caraway
– 1 Tbsp vinegar
– 2 Tbsp olive oil
– salt and pepper

Put the lamb’s lettuce into a bowl. Grate the beetroot and season it with the salt, pepper, ground caraway, vinegar and olive oil. Let it soak for 5 mins. Meanwhile rip the trout into pieces. Put the beetroot salad on top of the lettuce and add the trout and horse radish on top. Enjoy!


Now. Carry on!