I can’t fight it anymore. The transition from summer to winter is in full force. Autumn has sneaked upon us. Even I can’t deny it anymore. Now that I can’t help it, I make the best of it. Well there is a lot to look forward to in the cold month: hot chocolate, reading, more hot chocolate, cake (with hot chocolate), watching series, having more time to craft (but less to take decent pictures),… it’s going to be great! Until then (and to make the transition less painful) I created birds of passage.

Remember this project? I made again the air-dried clay, as I said before it: it works great with little stuff but not at all with big projects. So these little birds were the best follow-up project.


You can read the list of ingredients and how to make the dough here. No need to copy it. Besides that you’ll need:
– nail polish in different colours
– tooth picks
– a scalpel
– washi tape


Roll the dough with a rolling pin until it’s about 1/2 cm thick. Use a scalpel or small knife to cut out little birds and flower pedals and make little stands. Don’t forget to make holes with little toothpicks that you’ll use afterwards. Let the clay dry over night.


Wrap the washi tape around the tooth picks. I also made little leaves with the washi tape. For this just cut the shape of two leaves joint together. Fold it around the toothpick and it will hold.


Paint the birds and stands with the nail polish and assemble the stands with the tooth picks, birds and flowers.


And voilá! Your own selection of birds the passage.


These little birdies are going to remind me of spring and summer in the coldest and foggiest days. I’m sure they’ll brighten my mood. What do you do to make the dark days more enjoyable?



Now. Carry on!