Back when I was little we already had the tradition of an Easter brunch on Easter monday. We had to get a huge table into our living room and my parents prepared food for 2 days. My dad bought the best selection of cheese and my mum outdid herself with platterns. I blame this tradition for my breakfast faible.

However a brunch is not only for a huge bunch of friends and family but can also be nice for just the two uf us. We do have a brunch almost every sunday morning this makes it tricky to make an Easter brunch special. But not for me! Deco-Sarah to the rescue! Finally a theme for brunch!

I like it colourful for Easter but there should still be enough space on the table for the actual food. So this is how my Easter brunch table will look like:


The rose napkin fold is actually the only one that I seem to keep in mind. I’m really helpless when it comes to remembering folding steps.


But look what I made: A little origami Easter bunny!

It wasn’t actually too easy. But a girl needs a challenge.


For two people there is no real need to use name tags but… BUT: doesn’t it look nice? To make these I planted some cress in an empty egg shell and let it grow. The flag is made out of a tooth pick and some Washi tape. Two mins decoration are my favourite.


Now. Carry on!