I can’t make this magical 10 minutes one pot pasta all the time but I can make another pumpkin recipe. Especially when it involves this pumpkin chutney. Even if you made…

I can’t make this magical 10 minutes one pot pasta all the time but I can make another pumpkin recipe. Especially when it involves this pumpkin chutney. Even if you made…
Of course I made another dish with tomato salad. I love this season: tomato and pumpkin together?! Count me in! So I made this pumpkin feta fritters with tomato salad. All…
Long time no see, old friend lunch recipe! I know I haven’t posted a recipe in quite some time but I have an explanation: I wasn’t working from home. Being location…
I know I have a history of buying stuff when I don’t know what to do with it (yet). I bought a cup of raspberries and wanted to make a savory…
It’s incredibly hot and humid lately. So I’m all about cool drinks and not at all into baking or cooking. Eating healthy becomes a challenge – as is this (Home) Office…
It started to get really hot again and I caught a cold. It’s the worst. Have you ever tried drinking hot tea and dress reasonable on hot summer days?! I can’t…
I was in a creative hole with this whole office lunch series: I made something really bad last week which looked horrible and tasted worse (so that’s why there haven’t been an update…
Some time ago I bought a beautiful eggplant. I took it home just because of its look. That’s how superficial I am. I’m sorry. Now that I had it, I was…
Are you into meat? A little bit? Then you might be just like me: I seldom eat it but when I look for high quality. So for this recipe I bought…
Don’t you think that Avocado is one of nature’s best invention? We can’t really stay food-friends if you don’t. Sorry. I know that’s harsh but I think Avocado just makes everything…
In a former work place we had the luxury of cooking for ourselves every day. It was so much fun and also a good bonding experience. We’d form groups of 4-6…
I love spring coming around. It makes this home office lunch challenge so much easier with all the fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits that I can experiment with. It’s still daunting…
I love to pick wild garlic and cook with it. I once read that garlic is the vanilla of the poor man. If that’s right than wild garlic is the bourbon vanilla.…
Although today it doesn’t look like it: Spring is definitely on its way! I’m really excited not only because I lust for color and warmth and long days but because with…