Although today it doesn’t look like it: Spring is definitely on its way! I’m really excited not only because I lust for color and warmth and long days but because with the changing season come fresh vegetables. Perfect for my Home Office Lunch challenge. Yes, it is a challenge: creating recipes with seasonal produce that are made in about 20 mins? Not the easiest task. That’s why the following recipe is so genius (excuse my showing-off here): a cream soup made in 15 mins. It’s possible. Try for yourself!

home office lunch recipe radish leaf soup

For today’s recipe I have something really special prepared: Radish leaf soup with a side of radish sandwich. Using the whole vegetable for one meal?! Yes, please!

how to use a whole bunch of radish in one recipe

All you need is:
– a bunch of fresh radish leaves
– 3 small potatoes
– 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
– 1 small onion
– 1/2 teaspoon stock seasoning
– a pinch of salt
– a pinch of pepper
– a pinch of dried chili flakes
– 3 radishes
– 1 tsp of sour cream
– 1/2 l of hot water
– 1 Tbsp cream cheese
– 2 pieces of bread

Peel the potatoes and grate them roughly. Cut the onion into small pieces. Preheat the oil in a pan and add the onion and potatoes. Meanwhile cut the radish leaves into small pieces and add to the pan. Stir well and add the stock seasoning and 1/4 l of cooking hot water. Let it simmer for 2 mins and add the rest of the water. Simmer for another 2 mins. Blend the soup and season to your taste.

Meanwhile cut the radishes into small pieces. Spread the bread with the cream cheese and add the radishes and season with a little salt and pepper.

radish garnished bread healthy office lunch

Put the hot soup in a bowl and decorate with the sour cream and cut radishes. Enjoy!

spring radish soup healthy office lunch recipe

Any fresh vegetables you’re looking for to cook with? I’m waiting on asparagus. I already have a great recipe in mind.

radish leaf soup as healthy lunch recipe

Now. Carry on!