Last week I had a great shooting day with these anti-mosquito candles and because I set up a picnic, food shouldn’t be missing. I only had this epiphany right when I…

Last week I had a great shooting day with these anti-mosquito candles and because I set up a picnic, food shouldn’t be missing. I only had this epiphany right when I…
I guess you’re pretty surprised that it’s not another drink recipe I’m sharing here? Well, I have to mix things up to stay interesting. At least that’s what people keep telling…
*Sponsored Post* When illy asked me if I want to create recipes for Valentine’s Day with their coffee of the month, I was more than eager! Can you imagine: making sweets…
Christmas is all about cookies, right? Yes, but. But Christmas is about food in general, right? There’s certainly no feast without a food coma and now celebration without cake. See? Logic.…
When it comes to desserts or cookies in this meaning I’m pleased quite easily: just add chocolate and I’m happy as a four-leaved clove. It’s really that simple. And please leave…
Besides drinking more refreshing and no-sugar beverages I try to be more active and create a healthy life style. I started climbing in December and it’s been a blast. I never had…
On the weekend a friend of mine had her birthday. She’s a big climbing girl, so her boyfriend arranged a trip to the Peilstein. It’s a nice area a bit south…
On the weekend I got invited to a BBQ. Yeah for friends who have a balcony! And a grill. And the curtesy to invite me. Because I was so pleased that I…
Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a little girl and she wanted to bake a cake. She prepared everything but got caught up in work…
I was looking forward to make something with chocolate for far too long. I had to eat all the left-over cookies until I allowed myself to bake something new. I’m that…
There are not many recipes that resonate with me and my childhood as much as this chocolate walnut cookies recipe from my mum. I haven’t eaten or even seen this on any…
Before the Christmas cookie baking craze begins, I wanted to make this peanut butter chocolate cupcake recipe. It’s packed with chocolate and salty peanut butter flavor. A great combination that I wanted…
As I mentioned on Friday I forgot the birthday of this DIY and food blog. For a whole month. Once I realized my mistake I had to whip together a cake…
For my last day at work (wow, that’s now 2 weeks ago! Time flies!) I brought in a special treat. Chocolate Brownie muffins. The handiness of muffins with the rich and…