With my new resolution (it doesn’t have to be New Year to improve yourself) to decorate more and with different plants around my home, comes a new series to the blog.…

With my new resolution (it doesn’t have to be New Year to improve yourself) to decorate more and with different plants around my home, comes a new series to the blog.…
I’m a huge fan of indoor plants (outdoor plants too but that’s not the topic here). I love to bring the outdoors in and I thought I’d start a new series…
Are you excited for Easter yet? I am. This weekend will be filled with crafting and going for a walk in this mild weather. The best thing about Easter has always…
There’s something really satisfying about seeing one of your projects in print. I guess it has something to do that you can touch it and easily show it around and borrow…
As I told you on Friday: another one of my DIY projects made it into print. Into the Servus Magazin to be precise and I got proof today. Preparing DIYs for…
Do you need a tidy desk to work properly? I have the feeling that I’m much more productive if it’s all in its place. That doesn’t mean my desk should be…
Another project for the Austrian magazine Servus Magazin I made this nail art sign. (You can find the tutorial to make your own here.) I took it home and it marks…
Fall hit Vienna with full speed. After an epic summer it cooled down really quickly and the air smells like winter already. Not that I have to get used to that at…
Did you ever make something that you weren’t completely happy with. I don’t mean actual fails but somehow it’s just not so special or it looked better in your imagination. That’s…
As I already told you earlier this week: I had another styling job for an Austrian magazine called Servus Kinder. I’ve been asked to create animals out of egg shells and…
Once again I made it into a magazine with my styling job. This time it’s with this cute (if I may say so myself) Easter egg animals in the March/April issue…
Lately I spend a lot of time at home. This is not surprising if you know that I’m working from my own flat. This made me look at my own rooms…
There’s something magical about seeing a project of yours in a magazine. Let alone 4 of them! For the January issue of the Austrian lifestyle magazine Servus Magazin I created a…
As I promised in my big announcement for my new job as a stylist, I’ll share the DIY tutorial here on the blog as well. With even more pictures than in…