Do you need a tidy desk to work properly? I have the feeling that I’m much more productive if it’s all in its place. That doesn’t mean my desk should be empty but a little organization goes a long way.

DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

You might remember this DIY pinboard I made just a few weeks ago. It’s now at my sister’s place. I gave it to her for her birthday. But I couldn’t brag about it here because she might have read it. Sharing stuff that’s supposed to be a present is quite tricky.

DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

However I made the first one (it was already my second a-shaped pinboard) for Servus Magazin as part of the typography-themed DIY section together with the concrete tea coasters and the nail art sign. This is how I made the home office styling in accordance of their overall look and feel.

DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ... DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ... DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

You might notice that it looks slightly different to the one I shared here. It’s more of a serif typography a.

DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I love mixing old and new together when it comes to decorating my home. I love the quality of antiques together with the simplicity of modern furniture and decoration.

DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

What’s your kind of style? What does your desk look like? Share it on social media with the hashtag #lookatmydesk for me to see. I share the best ones here.

DIY pinboard styling for Servus Magazin | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Photos by Alexi Pelekanos
Styling by me

Now. Carry on!