I told you in my “Goodbye 2014” blogpost that you would see much more DIY posts with concrete in this blog. You probably didn’t expect me to be so quick on…

I told you in my “Goodbye 2014” blogpost that you would see much more DIY posts with concrete in this blog. You probably didn’t expect me to be so quick on…
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to create more stuff. Which means also to get more organized. I tried to keep a journal with all my ideas and inspirations over…
My Christmas decoration this year is like my festive mood – minimal as almost not there at all. It’s really weird this year with this almost Spring-like weather and my inability…
I’ve been told that my lack of Christmas mood comes from listening to not enough Christmas music and not making enough cookies. I’ve taken care of the latter but I’m still…
In a former job we had this custom that during Advent we listened to Christmas music. This might sound fun and festive but it was the opposite. Everybody was allowed to…
I’m not really in a Christmas mood already. Less than in October when I styled this photo shooting. Can you blame me? The weather is warm, the trees are dressed in…
As I promised in my big announcement for my new job as a stylist, I’ll share the DIY tutorial here on the blog as well. With even more pictures than in…
Two weeks silence on the blog and then: Whaaaaam! Such a comeback! I’m so excited about this that I can’t even tease you with a headline that makes you wonder. I…
As I mentioned yesterday, I’m having a Halloween High Tea Party. And what would a Halloween High Tea Party without scary tea?! Well just not that, I figured. So I thought…
The beautiful Indian summer we had is now definitely over. It’s cold and miserable. But look at the bright side: the perfect excuse to drink tea and eat chocolate. Is it…
From the amount of blog posts (or rather the lack of them) you might have guessed that I had a lot to do. There was so much happening in the last…
I’ve been looking for some kitchen shelves quite some time. Our kitchen is a compilation (yes, let’s call it that) of beloved and selected (not to mistake for random) furniture. We don’t…
I don’t have children and I don’t go to school anymore. However somehow this year I got inspired by the back-to-school-trend. Maybe only because I had a project in mind and…
I actually planned to make this t-shirt for my birthday. Which is in March. Well, I didn’t quite meet that deadline. So I wanted to make it for my holidays. Which…