I’ve been told that my lack of Christmas mood comes from listening to not enough Christmas music and not making enough cookies. I’ve taken care of the latter but I’m still fighting for the feeling. I blame the warm weather. It hasn’t snowed – not even a single snowflake – this winter. It’s not even really cold. It’s going to have up to around 7 ° C over the weekend. What’s this? Fall?! I’m not giving up though. I’m going to get this warm feeling of anticipation for Christmas. I just have to work harder.
So when I got the advice of making more cookies and listening to more music, there’s one thing that nobody though of: light. Light can set the mood like nothing else and since my light up houses are not really christmas-y I stepped up the game and made an origami stars LED garland.
All you need is:
– yellow strong transparent paper
– a cutter
– glue
– LED garland
– a drill
Cut out 20 origami paper stars with this downloadable origami stars pdf template.
Now fold in the sides to glue together.
Fold stars along the lines until the paper looks like in the picture above.
Glue all sides but one triangle.
Fold in the sides to create a 3D origami star.
Close the one side with the open triangle but don’t glue it.
Drill holes in the one side where you haven’t glued it.
Push them over the LED lights of the garland. Voilá!
I put the garland on the Christmas tree out of drift wood that I made 2 years ago. It has become emptier and emptier every day from the balloon advent calendar I made for my boyfriend.
Always use a LED garland with batteries since they don’t become hot and won’t burn the transparent paper.
So this is bound to make me feel Christmas approaching, right? If it doesn’t: any suggestions what else I could do? Are you already in a festive mood?
Now. Carry on!
[…] Origami stars LED garland. […]
[…] cute paper diamonds and smile. I made them actually for this LED garland. I took it down to hang up my newest creation but I really love this Origami paper diamonds so I thought of a new way to decorate with […]
[…] Fuente: mira lo que hice. […]
[…] Una guirnalda similar a la anterior pero en lugar de utilizar pelotas de pin pong nos invita a fabricar unas preciosas estrellas de papel con las que cubrir las lamparitas led. Este proyecto es una idea del blog Look What I Made […]