Did you ever think about making a special drink for Easter? Well, I have. Because as I’ve proofed many times: I love inventing drinks and I do have to trick myself into drinking more. I’m like a camel otherwise and drink way less than I should.

Ok, ok, I have to admit: I didn’t invent this drink totally on my own. I saw a recipe for something similar in a magazine and thought: this could work with ginger and as a syrup. Steal like an artist, right? Nobody creates ideas out of thin air – but that’s a story for a whole new blogpost.

Easter drink: apple carrot and ginger juice | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Back to the topic at hand: the carrot apple ginger juice. I wanted to create something without a juicer. My boyfriend has one and although you can put almost every part into the dishwasher, I hesitate using it because I shy away from cleaning the whole thing. That’s how lazy I am. Or that’s how inventive I am when it comes to making stuff that’s easy to clean up after. I depends which way you look at it. And I do have a slight tendency to like the latter explanation more. Everybody has his/her own kind of motivation to do stuff.

Carrot apple ginger juice

Carrot apple ginger juice


  • 3 large carrots
  • 2 big sourly apples
  • a piece of ginger (about the size of your thumb)
  • 250 ml water
  • 500 g sugar


  1. Cut the carrots, apples and ginger into pieces. The smaller, the better. We want to get as much juice and flavour out of them as possible.
  2. Put the water into a pot and bring it to the boil. Add the sugar and cut carrots, apples and ginger and cook for about 20 mins or until the carrots are really soft.
  3. Take a cotton clothes and sieve the juice through into a jug.
  4. Pour the syrup into a bottle and let it cool down completely.
  5. For a cool drink, dilute the syrup with about 7 parts of cold water to one part syrup.
  6. Enjoy!

So because I’m this lazy inventive, you get to enjoy this recipe. If you plan an Easter brunch or even a get-together, this could really surprise your guests – everybody brings devil eggs and egg liqueur but healthy (or at least not as rich) Easter themed drinks are a rare luxury! (If I wouldn’t work in Marketing already, I’d consider a career change just now. I’m really good at sales! And very modest. 😉 ).
Anyway, it’s a fun little recipe and easily done.

Easter drink: apple carrot and ginger juice | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

What are your plans for Easter? For me it’s almost my birthday as well and with the move, I’m pondering a birthday-house-warming-Easter party. We’ll see how fast the new home is ready to move in…

Easter drink: apple carrot and ginger juice | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Easter drink: apple carrot and ginger juice | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Now. Carry on!