This year is a very special Christmas for me: first my boyfriend and I will spend the whole festivities together for the first time. We always used to be apart at our respective family celebrating with them. Since we live now closer to my family will spend Christmas Eve at their place and then the following day at his parent’s house (a 4 h drive away). This is so exciting!

Concrete christmas tree hangers DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Also because we’ll spend more time at our place right after the holidays, we’ll have a real life, small but big enough for presents Christmas tree. This is a big change and I’m really looking forward to decorating it. This also brings me to this blogpost: I have to think about hangers for the tree. (Did I tell you it’s going to be my first real one?!). Naturally I was thinking about some that I can make myself – I mean I’m a DIY blogger after all!

Concrete christmas tree hangers DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Concrete christmas tree hangers DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

We settled for a minimalistic look. So this is why my first DIY Christmas tree hangers are going to be out of concrete.

Concrete christmas tree hangers DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I made a video of the instructions and shared them on Skillshare – as a free class! Which means you don’t have to have a premium account to watch it. Which means it’s free. Totally free!

Concrete christmas tree hangers DIY Skillshare Class | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

You can download the templates you need here:

  1. Paper Diamond Template
  2. Octahedron Paper Template

Because these concrete hangers are quite small, they’re not too heavy – even for this tiny tree that is just a mini version of the one that will come.

Concrete christmas tree hangers DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I love the copper detail of the hangers that make it a litte more special. I’m also thinking about spray painting one side with copper paint. What do you think? Yay or nay?

Concrete christmas tree hangers DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

What does your Christmas tree look like? Any inspiration would be very much appreciated!

Now. Carry on!