As I told you on Friday: another one of my DIY projects made it into print. Into the Servus Magazin to be precise and I got proof today.


Preparing DIYs for (Online) magazines is one of my favorite tasks. I love creating something, thinking about the steps and working with talented people to style the perfect picture. It’s exactly the same what I do for my blog but with the huge advantage that I get to work with other creatives – from the magazine editors to the photographers to models – like this little girl in the picture that has been such a hoot to work with.

Every time I’m at one of those shootings, I have to pinch myself thinking “this is really what I get paid for to do”. Isn’t that feeling the greatest?

Servus Magazin Styling: Knitting Jenny name display

You can find the tutorial for this knitting jenny name display here.

Servus Magazin Styling: Knitting Jenny name display

All pictures here are by my talented sister, do follow her on Instagram, she has an eye for details, proportions and lines. I love her images for there’s always more to see than what catches the eye on the first sight.

If you want to book my as stylist, please write me an email.

Now. Carry on!