There’s a secret I have to tell you: I’m not that into Nutella. I know, I know. Me? The chocolate-loving girl that eats at least a piece every day is not into Nutella? It’s not about the fact that it’s not really chocolate. That’s not it. I just think it’s a bit too sweet and one spoon is more than enough.

Nutella christmas cookies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Until I found this recipe – when I was actually searching for cookies that only need egg whites and what I found is a new appreciation for Nutella. Who knew?!

Nutella christmas cookies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

All you need is:
– 50 g grated hazelnuts
– 2 egg whites
– 100 g castor sugar
– 1 Tbsp Vanilla sugar
– 1 Tbsp flour
– 1/4 tsp cinnamon
– Nutella

Preheat the oven to 120 ° C. Roast the nuts in a pan for 3 mins.

Put the egg whites in a mixer and beat, gradually add the sugar until the mixture is stiff and makes little spikes when pulling the mixer out of it.

Mix the flour with the nuts, cinnamon and Vanille sugar and slowly fold into the whipped egg whites.

Put the mixture into a piping bag and pipe little cones on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Bake for 20 mins or until slightly brown. Put them on a rack to cool completely. Open that Nutella jar and put a little nougat on one cone and stick it together with another. Make sure to take 2 that have the same size. Repeat for all cookies and voilá!

Nutella christmas cookies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

They are the perfect size for a little treat – which also means that I’m not done with only one. 🙂

Nutella christmas cookies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Nutella christmas cookies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Do you like Nutella? What recipes do you like most with it? Or are you more of a Nutella-on-the-bread kind of girl/guy?

Nutella christmas cookies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Nutella christmas cookies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Now. Carry on!