When I got two posts up I can name it a series, right? So my goal to start a new regular post with my (home) office lunch recipes has already been a success. Celebrating the little steps, right? And because I achieved this super high raised goal I can treat myself to something nice. Chocolate? Coffee? Cookies. All together!


With this healthy carrot apple salad recipe with an orange and sour cream dressing, I feel like I’ve already done so much good for my body that I can easily treat myself to sweets. That’s my take on a healthy diet.


All you need is:
– 2 carrots
– 1 apple
– juice of half an orange
– 1 Tbsp sour cream
– a pinch of salt and pepper
– 1 Tbsp olive oil
– fresh marjoram

Grate the carrots and apple roughly into a bowl. Mix the orange juice with the sour cream, salt, pepper and olive oil. Mix it all in a bowl and let it rest for 20 mins (back to work you go!). Decorate with the fresh marjoram and voilá!


If you want to read what got this series started and what you can expect read here. What are you eating during lunch break?

Now. Carry on!