Every spring I’m amazed how the nature transforms and how beautiful Vienna and the countryside around gets. It’s the time of the year when the days are long and have the perfect temperature. That’ also the time when my eating habits change a little. Instead of soup and sweets I long for fresh and easy produce. That my food is also healthy is a nice add on. I still eat chocolate every day. Don’t worry. It’s still me. I’m not going anywhere. I thought that you might appreciate a savory dish as well.


All you need is:
– 400 g risotto rice
– 1 spring onion
– 2 Tbsp olive oil
– 1/8 l white wine
– 1 l vegetable soup
– 1/2 cup chopped bear leek
– 1/2 grated parmesan cheese
– 20 g butter
– pomegranate seeds
– goat cream cheese

Cut the onion into pieces and heat it in the pan with the olive oil. Add the rice and stir wait for half a minute. Pour in the white wine. Stir until the white wine vaporized completely. Add half a cup of soup and stir well. Keep on stirring and add gradually more and more soup as soon as the rice has soaked up the first portion completely. Let it simmer while stirring and adding soup for about 15 mins. Add the chopped wild garlic. Cook it for another 15 mins. Once the rice is soft on the outside and still al dente on the inside, add the cheese and butter. Stir well until they have dissolved completely.

Put the risotto on a plate and add the pomegranate seeds and goat cream cheese. Serve hot and enjoy!


I got the idea for this dish from a fantastic little service/shop that is now one of my favourite in Vienna. It’s called Feinkoch.(Just check out their website for their fantastic food photography!) It’s a shop where you can select a recipe and buy exactly the ingredients you need to make this dish (for 2-3 people).


wild-garlic-pomegranate-goat-cream-cheese-recipeFor people like my boyfriend and I it’s perfect since we don’t have so much time to cook but love to do it. It’s sometimes tricky to go shopping for  2 people. It’s always too much food and I hate to throw something away. So this service is perfect since I can buy exactly what I need and use it all up in one go. And the recipes are delicious. We made a celery risotto with pomegranate once and I loved the idea and taste. So this my interpretation. So good!


Now. Carry on!