I’m horrible with posting at the moment. I’m just so damn lazy and tired at the moment. When I go home after work I just manage to make myself something to eat (or I convince my boyfriend), then eat, take a shower and that’s it. From that moment I lie on the couch like a dead fly in the hot summer. I blame the spring. It’s been around 20 ° C lately in Vienna. Last night I went home at 8 pm wearing only a skirt and no tights. Before you get too jealous: it will be cold just in time for the weekend. Well I don’t mind actually. There’s no better excuse to not leave the couch and the warm home…

Well anyway before I get you all down and depressed with my rant. I have a wonderful DIY/recipe for you.


I promised you that I show you how to make the perfect decoration for cupcakes with chocolate – as you saw in my last post.


All you need is:
– baking paper
– a scissor
– 100 g dark chocolate


1. Cut a triangle out of the baking paper and fold the right corner to the middle.

2. Fold the other corner over the cone-shape you created.

3. Turn it all the way that all corners are at the same place and you have a cone with a pointed end on the other side. It’s actually good if there’s no hole.

4. Fold the corners down.

5. Do it one more time so that the cone doesn’t unfold anymore.

6. Cut a little bit of the end of your cone off to make a perfectly small hole and your own little piping bag is done!


Now all you need to do is to fill it with chocolate. For the melted chocolate chop the bar into little pieces and put it into a metal bowl. Heat some water in a pan and put the bowl on top. Make sure that the chocolate won’t get hotter than 30 ° C. This is crucial if you want shiny and strong shapes and writings. Now be creative!


Pipe your desired element on some more baking paper.


(Abstract) shapes work pretty well but you can also add a little writing. Just make sure it won’t be too long or thin as it will break more easily.


You can store your chocolate decoration in the fridge for as long as you want. But trust me: they won’t be long in there even if you made a whole batch. They are the perfect decoration for all kinds of sweets and desserts!

Now. Carry on!