When was the last time you failed at something? I just failed at the DIY post I shared this week. If you watch my Instagram Stories the week before you’ve seen…

When was the last time you failed at something? I just failed at the DIY post I shared this week. If you watch my Instagram Stories the week before you’ve seen…
I love finger food. Also when I cook, I love to use my hands. Try the dough with my fingers, knead a dough or mix salads with my bare hands. There’s…
As part of my 2-month sabbatical I recapped what I wanted to do with this blog. The answer was mainly: more of the same but also explore new fields. Things I know…
Since I wrote about how to make the best of summer last Sunday, I’m not done with giving you advice from my enormous amount of wisdom I accumulated along my many…
Following last weeks DIY project, I wanted to share another concrete project with you. This little planters I made are the result of my ongoing love for pots and planters (which…
From the amount of blog posts (or rather the lack of them) you might have guessed that I had a lot to do. There was so much happening in the last…
I don’t have children and I don’t go to school anymore. However somehow this year I got inspired by the back-to-school-trend. Maybe only because I had a project in mind and…
You know I like infusing stuff. I guess I proofed that (on several occasions). At least I’ve done that with vinegar quite a lot. (They are on heavy rotation at the…
If you follow this blog for longer, you probably know that I always wanted to have an etagère building set. I looked everywhere and made then an etagère from scratch. So…
Others do Spring cleaning, I do Spring decorating. I hate cleaning. I really do. I would happily pay other people to clean for me. It’s just such a mundane task and…
It actually seems like I have to much time on my hands. I’m constantly doing something and you’ll be surprised how many blogposts will go live this week. It’s just that…