I can not believe that it’s already more than a month since I came back from my 7-week-long vacation in Australia. Sometimes I flick through the images on my phone and see all the snaps I took and wonder how it was me taking them. Do you ever have that feeling that your vacation seemed like a vivid dream just weeks (or days) after you came back home?

I still owe you a few pictures and my recommendations. I planned them but I couldn’t get myself to look through the hundreds of hundreds of photos I took. As during every holiday I planned to make a travel photo book that I will show to my family and friends. But as always I take all these receipts and cards and maps that I plan to stick into said photo book with me for nothing. They just end up in a drawer like the photos on a hard drive. It’s sad.

At least some of the photos should be printed to flick through! It’s a good thing that I just recently discovered that the BIPA Fotoshop prints photos with a Polaroid look. And guess what I did?!

Now that I finally have physical images I tried 3 different display options to vary things up:

1 | Hanging on the wall.

How to display polaroid themed vacation photos | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Plain hanging them on the wall. It’s a good way to have them in sight at every time.

2 | Leaning on a shelf.

How to display polaroid themed vacation photos | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Lean them on a shelf to have a display that I can vary and adjust (and for people to take into their hands and read the inscription on the back).

3 | DIY polaroid display memory hoop

DIY Polaroid display memory embroidery loop | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

A memory hoop DIY that displays one photo with said knick knacks that I brought with me from my vacation.

DIY Polaroid display memory embroidery loop | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

All you need for the Polaroid display memory hoop:

  • an embroidery frame
  • embroidery fabric (it has looser threads and is easy to pin)
  • scissors
  • 1 polaroid image
  • knick knacks that spark your memory

Cut a piece of fabric out that’s a little bigger than the hoop. Stretch it into the embroidery frame and attach the picture and accessories.

DIY Polaroid display memory embroidery loop | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I have mine hanging over my desk. It’s a great inspiration and once I rest my mind it’s just beautiful to look at.

How to display polaroid themed vacation photos | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

The rest of the images are still in the cute little box that you see in the picture above. It’s there to be taken by our guests and looked through.

How to display polaroid themed vacation photos | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

For this display (and to try the service) I printed some images from Instagram but also some from my DSLR camera and I must say: the quality is really good.

How to display polaroid themed vacation photos | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I just ordered one pack of those polaroid prints but there are so many great memories still on my hard drive that I might just need to print some more. I also thought about making a photo book that is easy to flick through and has more information in it – maybe even as a Valentines’s Day present for my love (and kill two birds with one stone? Brilliant!)

What do you think? Any other vacation photo display ideas? What do you do to keep the memory alive?

Now. Carry on!


In cooperation with BIPA Fotoshop