With the beginning of summer, the days start to get shorter again and to put it in the words of a series you might know: winter is coming. No, no, it’s not as drastic yet but I’m already pondering how I will cope without the flowers in full bloom and the nature to enjoy.

Taxidermy flower display DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

This DIY just might be what gets me through the cold but until then I’m just happy to look at flowers all day.

Taxidermy flower display DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I guess you know what you need and this wasn’t really meant to be a DIY but a styling idea but just in case:

This is how it’s done: press the flowers, inside the book for 1-3 days (depends on the humidity of your room).

Print the template.

Attach the flat flowers with Washi tape and write the name in the box on the right bottom corner. Voilá!

Taxidermy flower display DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I looked up the Latin names just to give it a more authentic look. They look great with the little trees (still going strong! You might know them from this styling post.)

Taxidermy flower display DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I used buttercups, daisies and an easter rose here. They work beautifully besides the daisies. I wish I hadn’t used white flowers on white paper also the pedals are pretty thin and they become thinner as they are dried. Not my recommendations if you’d like to recreate it…

Oh, and this flower candles are another DIY of mine – just because I got asked. You can find it here.

Which flowers would you like to preserve? What are your favorites?

Taxidermy flower display DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Now. Carry on!