How do you know about great projects and products? Some you stumble upon by chance and for the better part they get recommended to you. This is what happened with Minischmidt or rather Kamilla Kleinschmidt – the creative head behind Minischmidt. She makes super cute miniature jewelry and I couldn’t love them more. This idea is genius and the execution is flawless. The only question remains: what should I order first – or shall I wait for her next line. Spoiler alert: it’s with a unicorn. Oh my god, oh my god. [Insert gasp here.]

But I let her do the talking how she’s working, where her ideas come from and the funny process how she decides something is just right.

Look who made it: Kamilla Kleinschmidt | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

1 | You make jewelry with tiny objects and animals: what’s your story?

It all started with a doll house. I was 4 or 5 years old when I started working with Fimo – or back then it was more of a playing. 😉

Also I was a big fan of the Aardman Studios and their stop motion animation with clay in particular. My brother and I watched Wallace and Gromit a lot back in the days. Our favorite episode was the one with the moon out of cheese and we used to eat complimentary crackers with cheese.

I also loved „Pingu“, the cartoons from the Swiss Claymation Studios and the two clay figures in Sesame Street!

You might say, I was destined to create something out of modelling clay.

To actually create jewellry out of clay was a spontaneous idea in 2011 during my studies. We could show our creations at Arts & Crafts markets without paying a fee for our stalls. It was so popular that I just couldn’t stop. Even during my studies I started working as an artist and there had been new ideas ever since. In November I will celebrate my 5 year anniversary with Minischmidt as it was the date of my first exhibition.

2 | How are you working creatively? Tell me more about your working process.

Most of my ideas come to me while I do something completely different. Like doing the dishes or laundry, haha! It’s best to always have a notebook nearby to write everything down immediately. Way to often I only remember that I had a good idea without recalling the details.

When modelling the idea it takes a while until I’m satisfied with the results – that I have the feeling my vision came to life. It’s ready when I look at it and say „Awww!“. That my sound stupid, hihi, but when something tiny bothers me, I have to experiment and adjust some more.

Look who made it: Kamilla Kleinschmidt | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

3 | Where do you get inspiration for your designs?

Inspiration lies in everything. From shopping in a supermarket, from friends and family or during exhibitions and the conversations I have. Browsing the internet, from social networks like Facebook and Instagram or in magazines and books.

Look who made it: Kamilla Kleinschmidt | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

4 | What is your educational background? How do you learn things that are necessary for your business?

I started really early working with Fimo. I know the material I work with for over 20 years now and therefore, I know exactly what I can use it for and more important what doesn’t work.

I learned how to create a brand with a corporate identity and a logo during my studies. After school I used to work in an advertising agency, then I got an education as an engraver before I studied Design in Aachen, Germany.

My dad used to say: „steal with your eyes!“ – that’s how you do it.

5 | Who or what is your biggest influence?

Everybody who loves Minischmidt, you is impressed with the miniature designs and who shares that with me. You can’t have a better motivation.

Look who made it: Kamilla Kleinschmidt | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

6 | What do you love the most about your creative business?

I really made my passion my job and I can excite and please others with what I do. That’s incredible!

7 | Could you give some practical advice to someone who’s just starting out or considering working in the creative business?

When you don’t mind working through weekends, late nights and having no holiday – go on! Then it’s definitely the right thing! 🙂

Look who made it: Kamilla Kleinschmidt | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

8 | Were there any hardships that you had to overcome? How did you manage to do so?

I struggles sometimes concentrating on one thing at a time in my little kitchen. I sometimes feel like a squirrel on Speed and I would love to bring every idea to life immediately. What helps is going out, planning and working on my laptop at my favorite café. There’s no Fimo around and so I can concentrate much better.

9 | With what did (do) you struggle the most?

With time – a day is just too short to achieve everything I want and try new stuff. And everyday there are new ideas!

Look who made it: Kamilla Kleinschmidt | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

10 | What’s next? Any plans for new projects?

The next mini-series will be about a unicorn and after that: I have a million ideas! I will be making clay miniatures as 90 years old grandma with glasses as thick as my thumb – for sure!


If you love the designs of these miniature clay objects as much as I do (I mean just look at these tiny donuts or the flamingo!), you can follow Kamilla on Instagram or like her on Facebook or just order your own online.

Now. Carry on!