Since I’m planning a big get-away in winter, I’m not going away on holiday in summer. However the sun has been treating us well lately: with over 30 degrees celcius and no raindrop in sight the days have been long and the nights cozy.

Since I’m still working during the weekdays I thought of the best tips on how to make the most of summer even if I’ve no holiday planned. And I’m sticking to my own rules so far.

10 tips on how to make the most of summer

1. Go outside.

Try to be outside of your own home as much as you can. May it be your or a community garden or park, the streets or woods, the sea or mountains. Make it your mission to go outside at least once (the commute from and to work doesn’t count).

My boyfriend and I like to go for a walk to grab some ice-cream on warm nights and drive out of the city on weekends. Exploring unfamiliar places and the change of scenery will make your day feel longer.

2. Explore something new.

Try to learn or explore something new each weeks. Did you try stand up paddling yet? Did a new ice-cream shop open in your home town? Did you try to take a new route with your bike or car?

It could be something that you do or something to see: learning will not only widen your horizon, it will leave you with something that you might like. There are also so many places around Vienna – little towns and forests and hills that I haven’t explored yet.

how to make the most of summer

3. Write a summer journal.

Now that you do all these micro adventures with exploring new places and activities outside, you might want to keep the memory for the cold days. I just recently found my summer journals I wrote when I was a kid and they made me laugh so hard.

It’s great to travel back in time in your own mind and revisit these days. There’s so much that we forget anyways – the little things and small moments make our life and they should be treasured. I just made my own DIY summer journal and I’m already wrote down the first 3 days in retrospect. I already forget so much.

4. Play with kids.

Kids don’t mind to be spontaneous and make a fool of themselves. We can learn something from that. We are always so caught up in worries and our own grown-up customs that we forget how fun it is to run through a field, take the waterslide or climb on trees.

Once you do it with kids it’s not so awkward anymore (at least for the ones that are watching) and I guarantee you will have fun. (How about a water fight? Playing soccer in the garden? Paint with chalk on the streets?)

the attersee is one of the coldest lakes in austria and it did this justice today: even after a week of temperatures over 30 degrees it's very refreshing. #igersaustria #igersviennaontour #attersee #lake #summer

5. Try something new.

In summer there are endless possibilities to learn something new that might end up becoming a new hobby. Drawing classes outside or stand up paddling lessons? Try something out of your comfort zone that even surprises you. Even if you don’t like it, it’s a new experience and a great way to entertain at your next garden party (bad experiences make the best stories!). I learned climbing on rocks and I will try stand up paddling as well.

6. Go on a picnic.

…or eat outside as much as you can. I don’t have a balcony and it’s horrible for me. So I make it my mission to eat outside at least once a week. It might sound like a lot but it doesn’t have to be a fancy picnic in a flower field. Just taking your lunch outside into a park (or garden) and bringing sandwiches on a road trip does the trick.

Enjoying food in the sun is one of the little things that I enjoy the most about those warm days.

it's so hot i tried to escape into the woods with my brother. didn't help against the heat. i try the lake now. #woods #wanderlust #forest #igersviennaontour #igersaustria #neverstopexploring

7. Don’t look at the time.

I understand that you have to work on summer days as well. I do too. However if you don’t look at the time on the weekend it’s very liberating. Get up when you wake up (don’t waste to much time in bed). Eat when you’re hungry. Swim when you’re hot. Go home when the sun sets.

Not looking at the time will be really weird first. We are so used to it but after the second day, you’ll get the hang of it and not let the watch dictate your day.

8. Make a summer bucket list.

There’s so much one can do in the warm weather and then I sit at home and don’t know what I’m going to do next. Once I wrote down a bucket list that I can cross off, I’m getting up early with a smile just to tackle the next thing on it.

When you do it with your partner or family and can be a great bonding experience and you all do something that you might not have thought of on your own.

9. Be a tourist in your home town.

When was the last time you visited this fantastic museum in your home town? Or been to this world-famous restaurant? Ok, you might not have that important sights in your neighborhood but it’s a fun game to see all the familiar places with new eyes.

What would you recommend to a stranger to do/see/eat when visiting your home town? Do that yourself!


10. Be lazy.

This is really important for me. I’m a very active person and even if I lie in the sun I have to read a book or go through instagram or make plans. It’s hard to lie around and just do nothing. However the best ideas come of boredom and my mind needs some holiday too.

The summer is the best excuse to do so. Lie in a hammock with a drink and just look at the clouds with only happy thoughts on your mind.

What are your recommendations to make the best of summer? Anything you can add to the list?

Now. Carry on!