I have been very lazy with my series “on display”. One of my New Year’s resolution was however to post more regularly. So here comes the string shelf I decorated in our living room at the dining area. It reminds me very much of Spring and that’s why I want to post it now. I bought the shelf on ebay a few months ago and I didn’t know back then what exactly I’ll use it for. First I wanted to hang it in the kitchen but I felt that it deserves a better – more visual – place. Also it was smaller than I thought it would be and with the narrow shelfs there’s not much that it can hold. However it found it’s special purpose holding most of our tea cups and pots.


My boyfriend had a time (back in the beginning of our relationship) when we was totally into Japanese green tea. Totally with doing a tea ceremony. I can’t tell you how many times I sat on the floor in his student room back then for hours (in total) until the temperature was right and I could drink the one sip of tea just to wait for the second rehash. Don’t get me wrong: i really enjoyed the taste and apparently it’s very, very healthy. This phase is over – also because it was so time-consuming and with working full-time you hardly have time for that.


What is still left is our selection of more or less traditional tea bowls which I cherish very much. Also because it reminds me of that time. We had some of the best talks while we waited for the water to cool down to exactly 70 ° C. If I happen to grow very old, I blame all the green tea that I drank during this time.


Of course you saw already the little glass dome I made from the broken wine glass. It got it’s special place as one of the first things on this string shelf.


This cute owl is actually also handmade. With a template from Mibo Studios. I have more of their creatures but I love the owls the most. Also because they were a present from my sisters.


Remember the jewelry and cupcake stand I made with the broken foot of a wine glass? I use it now as a cactus stand. I would have never thought that this is the way I’ll use it (the most). Do you also create stuff that you use totally differently than first intended?


These cards are from the famous shopping mall Bijnenkorf in Amsterdam. These are the only souvenirs I bought and they will remind me of the great time I had in this fantastic city.


I like collecting (or making) things with our initials. I found these over 100 years old printing letters in a little town in Germany. I love the rustic look.


I use a tea tin as pot for my little Aloe Very plant. See how everything goes together? I’m so clever. (At least that’s what I think. And surely my mum.)


Now. Carry on!