Today’s post is very special to me because I mastered a new skill: I made a design with Photoshop. This might not be a biggie for people that already know their way around but for me it’s huge! About a year ago I used Photoshop solely as an adjective to describe ads and now this! Using this program to retouch photos is completely different than using it to make something from thin air. I have to admit that it was a bit daunting but with an Undo button and a rubber not much can go wrong. As I mentioned I came up with the design myself and I only want to hear your Oooohs, Aaaaaaws and Wows (my boyfriend got the same instructions). I’m not open to any (constructive) criticism yet. Let us just admire that I made this. On my own.


The saying is actually something that the boss of my sister said to her and we thought it’s one of the nicest things you can say (especially since I do have cold hands almost all the time now that it’s winter time).

Then the grandpa of my boyfriend said almost the same to me when I visited him last weekend (he actually said: “cold hands hot love” which kind of rattled me a little coming from a 80-something man).


I printed the design (an 80 % size print fits perfectly in an ikea frame) and you can too! You can download it here.


I had so much fun that I also created an cold hands warm heart iPhone wallpaper with it – for iPhone4 and iPhone5 (and even suitable for retina displays).

The top one is for the iPhone 5, the one below for the iPhone 4. You just need to click it (to view in full size) on your phone and save as wallpaper.

Now. Carry on!