I really make an effort to make more videos. I tell you! The problem only is that I might need a new laptop because mine almost can cope with the data I want to process now. Photos? Phew! Videos? Are you kidding me? – That’s the conversation we have. Sometimes some harsh words help, sometimes a soft touch and all of the time: restarting. But that’s not the solution. I may have to invest…

DIY upcycled wine box into a cabinet | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Good thing I’m good at upcycling which means I don’t need a lot of money for anything else. Like this DIY medicine cabinet I made. So easy and helpful. I was just tired of all the medicine crowding my bathroom cabinet – and now I have a pretty and useful solution. Two birds with one stone!

Detailed DIY tutorial for a upcycled wine box | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Here’s the tutorial:

How do you like it? It’s done in one crafty afternoon as you can see in the video. So easy. So good.

Of course, you don’t have to use it for your medicine – or repurpose it after a while: Just clean the text and you’re good to go to store anything you like. I love those handy things.


And because I’m a indecisive person, I can now change the purpose and look of this cabinet anytime I want. Perfect!

DIY upcycled wine box into a cabinet | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Now. Carry on!