As you might have guessed from the title: I’ll be back in Australia! I’ve been to Perth in 2010 and now 5 years later my boyfriend and I plan a bigger vacation traveling the South-East: from Sydney down south. As the image might suggest: we’re planning a roadtrip spending as much time as we like at places we love.

Vacation planned: 7 weeks roadtrip in Australia

We have 7 weeks (which sounds like a lot now but I know it will be over in no time!) from the beginning of November to the midth of December. All that is planned (or booked) for now is the flight to and from Sydney. We plan to drive down towards Melbourne and Adelaide but when and how and why and with whom and what is still unclear. So if you have any tipps or hints or recommendations, please let me know!

Vacation planned: 7 weeks roadtrip in Australia

This also means that there will be more posts about roadtrips, vacation, packing and planning here on the blog. So brace yourself! I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it… You’re really lucky you can’t hear me sing.

These pictures are from our last trip to Australia and they make me lust this vacation even more. Also because we’re not going away until then.

Vacation planned: 7 weeks roadtrip in Australia

Have you ever been to Australia? Did you ever travel the east coast? Any recommendations for me to see, do and eat?

Vacation planned: 7 weeks roadtrip in Australia

Now. Carry on!