
It’s the first birthday of my blog here. It’s been a blast and I hope to see it grow and develop over many more years to come. However I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody who reads (or even looks at the picture of) this blog. I feel so humbled and overwhelmed that people take time off their day to spend it here. If you think about it, that’s really, really special. So thank you all!

I have big plans for the second year but I can’t help but awe at how far I’ve come: from the beginning when I tried to post one article each week to post two. And I really pride myself that almost every content is self-produced. Yes, a little tap on my shoulder here too. For the occasion I made the banoffee cupcakes again (the ones that I made for my birthday). It felt appropriate and I really craved for banoffee something. And I even played around to make a cinematography. My first.

I’m excited.