On Saturday I was quite colourful. How that happened, you ask? Well, I went to Holi – the Festival of Colour. A friend of mine bought tickets and nobody went with him, so I thought I give it a try. Holy moly, I didn’t know what I put myself into… Well let’s start with what Holi is (actually) all about. It’s originally an Indian spring festival that can go from 2 to up to 10 days. It has a strong religious background and celebrates basically life and the beginning of the new season. On this day all differences are put aside and all people celebrate together.

Holi Color Festival Vienna

Well that’s the traditional Holi and there’s the commercial Festival of Colour which I went to. Oh boy, did they want our money bad. Besides paying for a ticket around € 20,-, you also had to purchase packages of colours for € 10,- inside. And cupons for drinks and I really needed a drink to survive this – especially the music! (I’m not a specialist but it was some kind of techno and urgh! I don’t want to offend people that like that but it’s just not for me.)


Besides that it was really fun. It’s like being a child again: throwing colours, making yourself dirty, sitting around. Unfortantely I didn’t do research before we went (well it was a last minute decision after all) otherwise I would have taken a cloth to cover mouth and nose.


If you stand in the middle of the crowd there’s no way around breating in and eating a little of that coloured powder. We were wondering what it’s made of and thought it would be flour.


I can definetly say it’s not flour. It tasted a little sour and salty. Let’s just hope it wasn’t poisonous… I’m still alive after 3 days, so I think we’re good.



Some came really prepared.


It definitely had the feeling of a music festival without the good music.


Please excuss the weird quality of the photos. We had to get rid of the DSRL camera at the entrance and I took these pictures with an old Olympus digital camera and my iPhone.

Now. Carry on!