I’m all about Easter lately and thinking about the traditions I had with my family. One of the things my dad made every year are these brioche bunnies. Besides the savory feast, the chocolate and cake we also had these. When my sisters and I were little, we used to help my dad form these – while we made one each, he made all the others. I guess we were a big help!

Easter brioche bunnies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Now that I’m starting my own traditions, I’m revisiting old ones and this brioche bunnies recipe is a winner. I made them now to try them out and they were gone within a day. My boyfriend would come several times and ask if I had more of those bunnies and why I only made such a small batch. Well, you know what the secret to the best recipes is?! Always make not enough for the people to be fed up with.

Easter brioche bunnies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

All you need for about 12 bunnies:

For the starter dough

  • 135 g flour
  • 7 g of dry yeast (or 15 g fresh yeast)
  • 20 g sugar
  • 125 g of water

For the dough

  • 135 g flour
  • 40 g sugar
  • 40 g butter
  • 5 g of salt
  • 1 egg
  • 60 g of water
  • some more flour for dusting

For the starter dough combine all ingredients in a bowl and set aside in a warm place. Let it rest for 30 mins.

After it has risen, add all the ingredients of the dough to the starter dough and knead well. It should become a firm dough that’s not sticking to the side of the bowl. Add some more flour if it’s too wet. Set aside again for 30 mins.

Knead the dough again and form little sausages, roll them into the body of the bunnies. Make another smaller roll and cut it in lengthwise to about half of that roll. This is the head and ears. Attach those to the body and add a little ball as tail. Repeat until all the dough is used.

Let them rest on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200 ° C.  Bake for 15 – 20 mins or until golden brown.

Easter brioche bunnies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I think they are cute on a plate as placeholder for all the great food that will follow. Something to start with while you wait on all the other guests or family members to get ready for the Easter brunch.

Easter brioche bunnies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

What are your Easter traditions? Tell me what you carry on from your childhood!

Easter brioche bunnies recipe | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Now. Carry on!