On the 1st of October, there will be a new coffee shop and bar in Vienna. Illypoint will open on . It’s a shop and knowledge base and if you follow me on Instagram, you know how much I love my coffee. Almost as much as chocolate. I’m not exclusive on either.

I’m really excited for the opening as I’ll be learning more on making my own cappuccino. Yes, coffee shops, I’m getting independent and I love it.

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Then I can sit here, reading my new book by this coffee tin lamp and sipping my handmade cappuccino. This is going to be great!

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

All you need is:
– an empty coffee tin
– an electric cord
– a plug
– socket
– copper spray paint
– a white pen
– a drill
– a crowbar
– a hammer

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Drill a hole into the tin. Just about 1 cm above the bottom. Spray paint it and let it dry.

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Take the lid and draw the scope of the socket on the middle. Drill holes around the edges. Now take the crowbar and hammer and carve the rounds out of the lid. Don’t worry if it looks a bit messy. Normally there comes a screw thingy with the socket that hides it perfectly!

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

Press the socket through the hole in the lid and thread the cord through the bottom of the lid from the inside out. Take the plug and attach it to the cord. If you don’t have any experience with electrical stuff, you may want to ask for help on this step. However if you don’t plug it in yet, you’re safe.

That’s it. You just made a lamp!

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

I guess you know by now how much I love making lamps (like here and here and here). Maybe also because I get to ask my boyfriend to help me. He attached the plug, so it’s also his project. Kind of.

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

If you want to create something else with coffee tins, here’s a storage solution for the kitchen, bathroom or desk for your little bits and bots.

Coffee tin lamp DIY | LOOK WHAT I MADE ...

What else would you do with these empty coffee tins? Any other ideas? I still have one at home …

Now. Carry on!