This recipe of gluten free hazelnut marzipan cookies is one that has been passed down to me from my mother and she got it from her grandmother. So there’s a long…

This recipe of gluten free hazelnut marzipan cookies is one that has been passed down to me from my mother and she got it from her grandmother. So there’s a long…
You might have seen a sneak peak of today’s recipe in the blogpost yesterday. This is because I crafted an essential part to make this idea of mine come to life:…
As I said before: it’s quite easy to please me with cookies if there’s chocolate involved. Recipes without the dark gold (as I like to call chocolate) have a tough time…
There’s a secret I have to tell you: I’m not that into Nutella. I know, I know. Me? The chocolate-loving girl that eats at least a piece every day is not…
When it comes to desserts or cookies in this meaning I’m pleased quite easily: just add chocolate and I’m happy as a four-leaved clove. It’s really that simple. And please leave…