Besides drinking more refreshing and no-sugar beverages I try to be more active and create a healthy life style. I started climbing in December and it’s been a blast. I never had…

Besides drinking more refreshing and no-sugar beverages I try to be more active and create a healthy life style. I started climbing in December and it’s been a blast. I never had…
I’m not one who’s easily hot and sweaty. I’m more on the cold side. Like: give me a warm sweater and knitted socks when the temperature drops under 20° C. However…
I have a strong affinity to Switzerland. Not only because I’m the biggest fan of Ovomaltine – and Swiss chocolate. I also grew up close to the border to Switzerland. Now that I…
You probably wonder why I post something frozen while it’s actually cold outside. I always preach not to get ruled by the weather but this actually really makes total sense on…
I can’t tell you how good it feels to be on holiday. To have constantly around 26 ° C, the sea, the mountains. I really needed that. But didn’t realize it…
While I write this, I’m sitting again on a bed in a Parisian hotel. It’s hard to keep up with my posting schedule while gone on a business trip but once…
I told you 5 days ago on Instagram already that I made Banoffee roses for my work collegues because my black forest cake was already gone. I never made Banoffee what-so-ever.…